Tag - O.J. Simpson parole hearing


OJ Simpson to ask for early release

OJ Simpson to ask for early release

Former football star and convicted felon O.J. Simpson will command the world’s attention once again Thursday when he pleads for his freedom on live TV.

Simpson was convicted in 2008 of an armed robbery involving two sports memorabilia dealers in a Las Vegas hotel room. The 70-year-old will ask four parole board members to release him in October after serving the minimum nine years of a 33-year sentence.

An aging Simpson will appear as […]

O.J. Simpson parole hearing
O.J. Simpson parole hearing
O.J. Simpson parole hearing
O.J. Simpson parole hearing
O.J. Simpson parole hearing
O.J. Simpson parole hearing

O.J. Simpson parole hearing in Nevada

The low-speed white Ford Bronco chase. The glove that didn’t fit. The 150 million viewers who tuned in to watch O.J. Simpson be acquitted of murder.The top online bookie software .The Las Vegas robbery conviction more than a decade later.

And the media frenzy that has followed at every turn.

It’s all a part of the folklore of O.J. Simpson.

“The fascination has not decreased,” said Loyola Law School professor and longtime Simpson case analyst Laurie Levenson. “We still don’t know the […]